Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A question of Morels.

On a recent visit to Whole Paycheck in Hillcrest I happened about the newly fashioned "Truffle" section. Rummaging through containers of various mushrooms I noticed a box of morels that were mislabel as shitake. Price of shitakes? About 23 bucks a lb. Price of morels? About 300 bucks a lb. So here was roughly 13 dollars worth of morels listed at 92 cents. What did I do? I bought them of course! For now I can not only enjoy the deliciousness of Barbara Kingsolver's morel and asparagus bread pudding recipe but I can take joy in knowing that it is being subsidized by my most hated purveyor of all things natural and expensive.

What would Jesus have done? I don't know, I'm Jewish, but let me know what you would do by voting in the poll above.