Friday, May 04, 2007

Low Five

This new list of my five top grub huts in San Diego is now titled Low Five as with passing of Region a few months back there is little in the way of sustainable simple damn good food around these here parts. You can shell it out for a decent meal at Nine-Ten but with no sense of community as Region offered. There is hope though as I am forced to find the diamonds in the ruff, the small dives that serve good food that most of us can afford (see Pizzeria Arrivederci).

The list:

1. Villa Italia Trattoria (encinitas)
2. Pizzeria Arrivederci
3. OB People's Co-op
4. The Mission
5. Nine Ten

Sebastian Windhorse Mello

Born at home to Melissa and Jonathon (mostly Melissa)
March 30th 2007
3:15 pm
8lbs of awesome

Food is good. Babies are great.

Whereas, this blog was once about (for a few brief posts) the joys (or lack thereof) of eating food in San Diego

Whereas, Sebastian Windhorse Mello came into this world on March 30th 2007

Whereas food is good but babies much gooder

This blog shall henceforth be not (only) about food but about the Adventures in Girth now meaning birth, babies, and the growth of our son (and a little food too!)

See you around.