Saturday, April 19, 2008

Breakfast, or lack thereof.

There is a breakfast crisis in SD in my humble opinion. Mission gets the job done but that's not saying much. Urban Solace has saved a day with sunday brunch (the biscuits and gravy are bleeping awesome), but thats just one day!

I think I may start a campaign to pressure the Linkery into doing breakfast, at least start with a weekend brunch, come on! Pastured eggs, amazing sausage, the best pork in town. Tilth does breakfast and they don't even have to, Seattle has ton's of good morning food.

Jay, we need you to step up dude.

I'll wait till the new location is settled into, then bam! 1000 signatures demanding (more like begging) gravy and beer.

This is my plan.

p.s. had brunch at urban solace the day after this post and it was awesome. their bacon is superb and the biscuits and gravy are some of the best I've ever had. if they upgraded their coffee it would be the cherry. a nice french press with some beans from santos or moto.

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